A list of publications, inputs, presentations and submissions to the UNFCCC and other organizations.

TypeLinkPublication Date
TypeLinkPublication Date
Call for inputs Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the seventy-third meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes" 2013-05 
Call for Inputs Call for input on possible changes to CDM modalities and procedures 2013-01 
Presentation COP 18 DIA Side Event Presentation Jonathan Hall SGS 2012-12 
Presentation COP 18 DIA Side Event Presentation Gareth Phillips PD-Forum 2012-12 
Presentation COP 18 DIA Side Event Presentation Svenningsen UNFCCC 2012-12 
Call for inputs  Issues included in the annotated agenda of the seventieth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes 2012-11 
Call for inputs Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-ninth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes 2012-09 
Call for inputs Call for inputs on significant deficiencies 2012-08 
Call for inputs Call for inputs on draft Guidelines on the application of materiality in verifications 2012-08 
Call for inputs  Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-eighth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexe 2012-07 
Call for inputs  Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-seventh meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes" 2012-04 
Call for inputs Call for input on the revised "CDM Accreditation Standard for operational entities"  2012-03 
Presentation First SDM Joint Workshop 2012-03 
Presentation Significant deficiencies in validation, verification and certification reports 2012-03 
Call for inputs Call for input on the draft best practices examples 2012-03 
Call for inputs Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-sixth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes 2012-02 
Presentation EB 66 2012-02 
Call for inputs Call for inputs on CDM policy dialogue 2012-01 
Presentation EB 65 2011-11 
Call for inputs Issues included in the annexes of the annotated agenda of EB 65 2011-11 
Call for inputs Issues included in the annexes of the annotated agenda of EB 64 2011-10 
Call for inputs Call for inputs on sampling standard 2011-10 
Presentation EB 64 2011-10 
Presentation EB 63 2011-09 
Call for inputs Issues included in the annexes of the annotated agenda of EB 63 2011-09 
Call for inputs Call for inputs on the validation process 2011-08 
Presentation EB 62 2011-07 
Presentation Workshop on Programme of Activities under the Clean Development Mechanism: Challenges and the Road Ahead - Experiences and challenges from the perspectives of a DOE 2011-05 
Presentation EB 61 2011-05 
Presentation Workshop on Programme of Activities under the Clean Development Mechanism: Challenges and the Road Ahead - Should liability be shared by DOE and PP/CME: Perspective of DOE 2011-05 
Presentation EB 60 2011-04 
Presentation The Project Cycle Processes and the VVS : DOE Viewpoints  2011-04 
Presentation The Project Cycle Processes and the VVS : DOE Viewpoints  2011-04 
Presentation Direct communication 2011-03 
Call for inputs Call for public inputs on areas and means for direct communication of stakeholders and the Board 2011-03 
Presentation Improving efficiency in the operation of CDM 2011-03 
Call for inputs Call for public inputs on Programme of Activities (PoA) 2011-03 
Presentation Standards for baseline scenario identification and baseline emission calculations 2011-03 
SBSTA submission Call for public inputs on the issue of materiality in the CDM  2011-03 
Presentation EB 59 2011-02